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Chiropractic and the Benefits of Flexibility.

Writer's picture: Shawn KocabShawn Kocab

Whether you're a roofer, a ranger, or a dancer, having a good range of motion in various parts of your body is essential for almost every line of work and recreational activity. Being flexible not only implies being easy to get along with but also holds great importance for your physical well-being.

What Is Flexibility? Flexibility refers to the unrestricted movement of your limbs and trunk when your body is operating at its maximum potential. The soft tissues surrounding your joints play a crucial role in determining the extent of your body's flexibility. These soft tissues include muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, and skin, as explained by an article from the University of California, Davis Health website.

Your level of flexibility can be influenced by several factors, such as your level of physical activity, history of injuries, and regular stretching routine. When your range of motion is limited, you may not realize the negative effects it has on your overall well-being:

1. Compromised cartilage health: Insufficient range of motion reduces the amount of synovial fluid and blood supply that reaches your joints, leading to the compromise of cartilage health. 2. Muscle fatigue: Restricted movement causes fatigue in specific muscles, which in turn forces other muscle groups to compensate and eventually tire out. 3. Stress on other body structures: Limited flexibility adds stress to other structures and tissues in your body, resulting in referred pain and discomfort. For example, tightness in your calf muscles can lead to knee pain.

Benefits of Stretching Stretching plays a vital role in maintaining flexibility and combating the factors that restrict your range of motion. An article on Healthline highlights several benefits associated with incorporating stretching into your routine:

  • Improved performance: By stretching before engaging in physical activities, you can enhance your exercise performance and increase your coordination.

  • Increased blood supply to muscles: Proper muscle and joint function rely on good circulation, which can be improved through stretching.

  • Promotion of good posture: Stretching helps maintain balance, preventing the development of poor posture, such as hunching over or leaning to one side.

  • Alleviation of back pain: Tight muscles limit your range of motion, contributing to back pain. Stretching helps loosen muscles and reduces pain.

  • Stress relief: Regular stretching, whether at your home office or during a yoga class, is an effective way to promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

  • Decreased frequency of headaches: Stretching promotes relaxation, reducing the prevalence of tension headaches.

Different stretching techniques serve different purposes. Dynamic stretches, involving movement such as walking lunges, are beneficial before physical activities as they prepare your body for exercise. Following your fitness routine, static stretching, which involves holding each position for 10 to 30 seconds, can help reduce the risk of injury.

How to Increase Your Flexibility Maintaining your range of motion is crucial for overall wellness and a better quality of life. When your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones are not functioning optimally, it hampers your abilities. Chiropractic spinal adjustments can help intercept potential health issues and improve your range of motion.

To maximize your flexibility, consider the following tips from The Stretching Institute:

  1. Avoid injuries: Follow instructions carefully when participating in sports or physical activities that require coordination. Injuries often lead to restricted movement in certain parts of the body.

  2. Build strength: Strength and flexibility go hand in hand. Strengthening your muscles is essential for maintaining a good range of motion in specific muscle groups.

  3. Hydrate and eat right: Hydration is crucial for keeping your muscles and tissues supple. A healthy diet comprising natural fruits and vegetables provides the necessary vitamins to maintain strength, muscle, and flexibility.

  4. Use foam rollers: Research suggests that foam rollers can improve short-term flexibility, according to the Hospital for Special Surgery website. Applying a foam roller to your legs increases circulation and enhances range of motion. Other myofascial tools like exercise balls, percussion devices, and massage sticks can also help in loosening tissues.

How Chiropractic Care Can Improve Flexibility For individuals with limited range of motion, chiropractic care typically involves an examination of large and small muscle groups in both flexed and extended positions. Family health history and patient feedback regarding areas of pain or limited flexibility are also taken into account.

The key areas to assess range of motion include the lower back, hamstrings, shoulders, spine, neck, hips, and pelvis. Chiropractic adjustments, a manual therapy, can stimulate greater flexibility in targeted areas. A study published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies showed that manual therapy interventions improved functional performance in individuals with chronic lower back pain.

Regular chiropractic care allows for early detection of changes in your range of motion. If your flexibility falls below your baseline, your chiropractor can identify potential health issues in their early stages.

While your boss may appreciate your dedication to work, being physically flexible and adaptable to change can also make your life easier. By maintaining the health of your joints through chiropractic treatment, you can improve your flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. Remember, a little effort can go a long way in enhancing your flexibility and making you more active.

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